Kidnap Kaper

PQA Edinburgh

A short film created by PQA Edinburgh Poppets

After hearing a delightful story the children fall asleep but when they wake up the story teller is missing!

Keira Biddulph
Ryan Chandorkar
Scarlet Date
Lily Gray
Mila Grbic
Natalie Moffat
Radha Parbhaker
Madison Park
Evan Robb
Tilly Rowley
Orla Russell


Leonna McGilligan-Dix

Grham Kitchener

Poppets Tutor
Alana Grant

Poppets Assistant
Amy Elder



Camera Crew
Jennifer Gray
Marjolaine Demaude
Lia Collins
Eve Cooke

Paul Michael Harris
Paul Mattram
David Weston

  • 2020

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