PQATV. Vote-Now.

At the start of the year PQATV and the CMC challenged young filmmakers to make a one minute film about who they are, a film that would make us sit up and take notice – a film that showed us their world.

Watch the 15 finalists below and vote for your favourite film …

How to vote:
Watch all 15 films (separated into two polls below)
Select the tick on your favourite 16 and under film and your favourite 17-21 film
Don’t forget to then scroll to the bottom of each poll and click vote!

Thank you!

To find out more about the filmmaker’s intentions behind making their films scroll to the bottom of this page to read more about their film.

You can also watch the films on the poll by clicking on the below two links:
16 and Under films
17-21 Films


Anorexia by Roisin McMahon
My film is about battling anorexia. The film follows a girl through her daily routine and shows how anorexia eats away at someone from the inside out. The film shows that anorexia doesn’t just affect someone at meal times but leads to a never-ending cycle of despair. I wanted to express that no matter how great people say you look, when you have anorexia, it’s never enough, and that you never feel complete. I opened with a shot of the girl hugging her knees and looking down at the floor with a defeated expression, to convey that the battle against anorexia is long and hard, leaving the victim feeling hopeless, despite the battle having just begun. I ended with a plain black screen with a voiceover saying “it’s always with you, never to be escaped” to emphasise that the sufferer feels trapped in a void of nothingness.

I’m Different by Esther-Mae Taylor
My film is about issues young people face which can lead to poor mental wellbeing. Every young person just wants to fit in, to be accepted and to have friends. With the added pressures in school and on social media, young people can often feel like they have to be perfect, it’s what the world seems to expect. Prejudice is still happening in today’s society against people seen as different and it shouldn’t be. The dialogue in my film portrays positivity, the message to young people that being you, being yourself is fine, being different no matter what the difference is okay. Use how different you are, try and help make those changes the world needs in order for it to become a better place, after all, young people are the future.

Jonas by Noah Wilkinson
‘Jonas’ is a short Documentary about my little brother Jonas who has autism. It tells people what it is like living with him and how his autism affects his life and mine. It shows how hard he finds some things and how easy he finds others, but most of all how much I love him.

Reach by Eden Quine-Taylor
‘Reach’ is a one minute short film that hopes to inspire people to chase their passion no matter how unachievable it may seem. Many of us are dreamers, many of us wish to fulfil our potential, and strive for something that might be seen by others as beyond our reach. I hope to communicate to all of the other dreamers out there that it’s okay to have a goal, a passion and that listening to your gut is more important than listening to a voice that tells you to stop, to give up. I created the film during the period of lockdown and because I did not have access to desired locations, it allowed me to experiment with new areas of filmmaking.

Sixty by Paula Szczyrba
What if you only had one minute left to live? What would you do? More importantly, how would you FEEL?

Student of the Week by Charlie Hills
A boy is trapped in a loop, a never ending cycle of supposed perfection that is imposed upon him by society, he longs to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, eventually he grows tired of the monotony and lachrymose mediocrity of his student life and sets himself free.

The Last Chance by Polina Sylantyeva
A few hundred years from now, Earth has turned into a gigantic mass covered in pounds of rubbish. All the planet’s animal life has been exterminated by the rubbish and air pollution, while humans, which were more fortunate, fled in rocket ships away to Mars where they started setting up new life. Only three creatures remain alive on Earth – A brave hare, a smart squirrel, and a scared hedgehog. They decide that they should try and save their home planet from dying out and get to work. The hare sweeps all the rubbish away, the squirrel washes off all the pollution gases that are inside clouds, and once everything is cleaned up, the hedgehog begins planting flowers and trees. Eventually, the Earth gets populated once again, but now it is a planet full of only animals, and no people.

The Little Things Kill by Diana Ozola
‘The Little Things Kill’ explores environmental issues from the perspective of the Earth. The voice-over of Mother Nature painfully speaks of the harmful things we as humans do to it. These emotions are expressed in the form of poetry, commenting on factors from plastic pollution, to how meat is sourced for human consumption, and to how the planet tries to fight back and warn us of the consequences we risk facing for our actions.

This is a Film About being Alive by Daisy Shaw
What makes you alive? What makes you feel alive? My experimental short film explores the idea that being ‘alive’ is deeper than just breathing or eating or sleeping. It’s a feeling or an activity or a place, and it differs from person to person. Told through the thoughts and ideas of friends, it might be the sunset or even running. But ultimately that doesn’t matter, what matters is you’re here, being given the opportunity to live.

Why by Joshua Haith
The short film ‘Why’ represents the issues that are prevalent in society in terms of others judgement, hatred and disapproval towards individuals who step out of the traditional norm. The main issue raised is why the world has created stereotypes of what we are supposed to wear, who we are supposed to love and what norms and values we are told to follow depicting our gender.


Let’s Stop There by Sam Oddie
The world of performance arts can be incredibly difficult for young performers, when the stress of hyper-mobility syndrome is introduced and looming exams, many young people have to make the decision to choose their health over their passion. Our performer, Kathryn was in this situation and tells her story of how her dance career came to an abrupt end.

The Nairn Climate Strikers by Rowen Henderson
Eric Ness and Dayne Inglis have been prominent figures in the highland beach town of Nairn, dedicating loads of their time to becoming a huge driving force behind school climate strikes. Worried about the future of their planet and calling for immediate action to be made this short documentary shows them saying what they feel the world needs to know.

Making Up Myself by Poppy Wright
Thinking about who I am was difficult as I am still in the learning stages. However in picking out important aspects and activities from my life I thought about make-up. Make-up has helped me find and bond with new friends and allows me express myself artistically. In today’s society with the rise in influence from social media, many people get criticised for wearing too much or that they have to be natural for people to like them. Personally the stigma has left me conflicted but make-up has helped me be myself. Making Up Myself is my personal experience with using make-up, and how it has positively influenced my life. It is a form of self-expression and art, which has taught me to be my creative self.

As The World Stops by Todd Greengrass
The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus and subsequent lockdown that followed worldwide has proved to be a truly trying time for all of us. The film paints an image of lockdown as a positive time of self-growth and self-improvement, within which we can train ourselves to emerge from the ashes of lockdown with a determined spirit.

You Can Change The World by Rosharna Brade
My film is about the world and its many issues such as female empowerment, world peace, privilege and missed opportunities.