Last year we held the very first PQATV Script to Screen. Filmmakers and screen actors came together for five intensive days working on their skills and techniques, devising two short films and shooting them.
Here are the results now available to watch online…
Perfection 1309
In the near future it’s a better world. There are no imperfections, but at what cost…?
Writer / directors – Eden Quine-Taylor, Satie Polidoro-Thursby, and Joseph Knott
Starring – Amy Newman, Joshua Phillips, Victor Songui, and Azra Atahan
The Waiting Room
Following an argument with his aunt, Alex finds himself in a strange room filled with many doors, each one a gateway to a strange place. In order to make his way back to the real world, Alex must face the emotions he has been refusing to feel since the death of his mother.
Writer & Directors – Edie Moles & Rosie Moroney-Lewis
Starring – Jake Neill-Knight, Talia Kauffman, Laura Sheridan, Louie Fellows & Erin Mill
Both of these films screened at the Swindon Independent Film Festival 2019, Lift Off First Time Filmmakers Sessions 2019 as well as the PQA National Film Festival 2018 held at Cineworld, Leicester Square.